Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Around the House

Wow!  What an adjustment it has been for all of us in the Pina family lately.  Going from one child to two has been wonderful and challenging all in the same- for everybody.  The biggest challenge Jaime and I are experiencing is learning how to juggle the needs and wants of both children at the same time.  Joshua is the sweetest most cuddly little baby ever- but wants to be held most of the day.  This is a bit of a challenge as Quinn is so active and wants to be played with all day.  We are learning day by day and will hopefully learn how to find a new "normal".  Here are a few pictures of life around the house lately:

Hope this picture doesn't gross anybody out- just thought it was too cute that Quinn wanted to nurse her baby too!  Jaime even crafted her a little boppy pillow too!

Bath time!  Quinny is such a great helper.

Rawr!  Daddy did a great job painting the lion, I mean Quinn

Its a serious task holding baby "Dosh"

Three generations!

A little night time bike riding

1 comment:

EGPate said...

It looks like both you and Jamie are doing a phenomenal job of handling both kids. So sweet that he is so hands on with Quinn and I love that he made her a Boppy! Any tips that you have on how to settle in would be great when we have the new baby in December!