Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Doggy Dad

Jaime is a phenomenal Dad.  Not only does he take care of his ladies so well but he is always in a great mood and spends any free moment he has playing and entertaining Quinn.  Her newest thing is pulling him around on a leash like he is her dog.  "Sit, and stay" are a few of her favorite things to tell her Doggy Dad. 
If this doesn't get Dad of the Year, I don't know what does?

Speaking of amazing Dads, I just so happen to have one myself!  And as life takes its turns, he is currently taking care of his Dad (my Papa) who has a cancerous tumor on his spine.  My Dad and Papa headed to Nashville, TN on Monday for several weeks to undergo a couple surgeries to remove the tumor.  After having radiation and chemotherapy, my Papa's doctors felt that the tumor was not shrinking enough and would need to be removed.  So, our much planned and anticipated trip to New Mexico for our family reunion will be very different this year without my Dad and Papa.  Don't worry--Jaime has already made it clear he is going to fill in for my Dad as the "Man" on the trip.  :)  Any prayers sent for a safe removal and hopefully cancer free return to New Mexico for my Papa will be greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

Jen McD said...

What a great dad! I'm giggling over here but I think it's precious!b