Ok Momma friends....HELP! Who is this girl that has been arriving at my house every evening while I'm trying to cook dinner???? She looks just like Quinn but is acting so bizarre. Screaming, crying, throwing herself on the floor are some of her favorite behaviors during my dinner cook time. What can I do (besides give her a snack) that can keep her occupied so I can get a meal finished?
yup. same deal here. 5 o'clock witching hour. well you know what I was forced to do, crock pot. he just neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds me at five. (sigh)
I haven't been able to cook in three years! BOTH kids do that to me everyday(probably to get me back for working)! They recently got better when Emerson was old enough to follow Jackson around and try to play with him. So the answer is: Have another baby! Ha ha. Sorry, I don't have any good advice other than, this too shall pass. She will grow out of it eventually ; )
when my nephew started doing this, my sis-in-law created a drawer in the kitchen that was *just* for him with things he could play with. All of the other cabinets were child locked so he would go to his drawer and pull out dish towels, wooden spoons, measuring cups, etc... and make a HUGE mess....but at least she was able to cook (and then toss it all back into the drawer!). Good luck! Sounds like someone is testing momma!
I agree with letting her "cook". Give her measuring cups, bowls, spoons and just stuff from the kitchen. I think it was around Quinn's age that Sienna bit me while I in the kitchen because she just couldn't stand not having my attention. She will out grow it, I swear.
THANK YOU ladies for your help! We'll get through this just like we have all the other little stages she's gone through! :)
I used to tape paper to Bo's high chair, then give him a bunch of (washable) markers to create works of art with. He seemed to enjoy it. I'd switch "mediums" once in a while. I have a whole slew of art work from his "blue period," a.k.a. the 5 o'clock Witching Hour!
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