Thursday, May 7, 2009

Quinn is almost 3 weeks old!

Things have been going pretty well here in the Pina household. Quinn, Mom, and Dad are still getting adjusted to each other. The first few weeks were exactly that, adjusting. It's funny how you really don't think about what it REALLY is going to be like once that lil baby enters the world. And I guess I didn't really know what it would feel like to be dead dog tired and have to wake up to feed. I really didn't know that I would have a recovery of my own while learning how to take care of Quinn. I really didn't know that when that baby is crying and crying, you'll do just about anything out of desperation to make it stop and make her happy. Sometimes when Quinn is fussy and crying, I'll think to myself "Oh my goodness, why is she still crying?" But one look from her is all it takes to make me forget about staying up all night, endless crying, or explosive diapers. Every day seems to be getting a little bit easier and I think it's because we are learning how to appease Quinn and she is learning how to live in the outside world. I'm trying to think about life before Quinn, and I just can't really think about what we did without her. She is the biggest blessing in our lives and we can't wait to see her grow and change. :)


cassie said...

Hope you're adjusting the being tired!! I can't imagine....can't wait to see more pics!!!

dippel said...

I bet you and Jaime are doing wonderfully as new parents! Keep up the good work and know that the sleep thing and crying thing will get better. It gets better each day like you said. Hang in there! Ya'll are awesome parents! Can't wait to meet my beautiful little cousin!