Here are some of the things she is doing now as a two year old:
-TALKING, TALKING, TALKING! The girl can carry on a full conversation with you, even if you don't respond!
-Potty trained! Yipee! She is out of pull-ups and wears panties all the time, even to bed. This is not to say she is accident free yet, we just had one today but for the most part she's trained.
-Loves her friends and talks about them often.
-Has a very good appetite and will eat pretty almost anything.
-Knows her colors and shapes.
-Knows letters and sounds for A, B, C, D (Thanks to the Leap Frog Letter Factory video- thanks Katie!)
-Just recently learned how to jump with both feet at the same time.
Here is a little video of her this afternoon. She was super excited to be able to eat a lollipop for her birthday!